Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hopefully this page will help you sign up for and get started making lots of cash at cashcrate! First of all, let me tell you something. I know exactly what you are thinking.

"Is CashCrate Real? or is it a Scam?"

YES! IT IS! Wanna see my proof of payment? CLICKHERE!

About CASHCRATE: CashCrate is a Get Paid To Complete Offers Site. NO Credit Card Needed. 100% Free! Users as young as 13 around the world can use!!

Step by Step Guide:
Get a new email address at Gmail!!! Most survey companies keep a database of emails that were used on their surveys, for tracking purposes, so if you use the same email more than once, they will know that they already have your information, and would probably not give you credit for completing that offer. I would suggest changing emails frequently, so you will get more offers to approve. You don’t really want to spend time making a bunch of emails do you? THEN USE GMAIL! So, since gmail doesn’t read periods in their email addresses, take advantage of that! For example:

All of the above would go to Survey companies would consider each and every one of those a different email address, which makes it easier for you to get more surveys approved. I would suggest making a new gmail account frequently!!

Go to CashCrate and sign up
You must supply your real information here. They will send you your check to the address given. Also back in 2007 cashcrate called you to verify your information, but now the phone number slot is a past thing. If you want to sign up for a free voicemail account, try K7, this way you never have to give out your phone number!!

Congrats you can now start earning money!
Now you need some software to help you fill out surveys very fast.
Roboform: This is used to automatically fill out your own information. The set up is rather easy, just read their website!
CCleaner: CCleaner clears our cookies and other tracking data from your computer. This is important because an offer will not get credited if you’ve already visited the site. Thus using this software will help you get most, if not all, of your offers to confirm!
It is against the terms of cashcrate to use false information. You risk getting banned by using fake information, so the use of real information is best. I get lots of emails, so I never use my main email address. Just keep making email addresses every so often. But rarely do I get any snail mail or phone calls. If you get a spam phone call just say “take me off your list” and you will never hear from them again.

Quick and Easy Offers!
Never do any of the “side” offers during an offer. These are “gold” or “silver” offers that pop up. Most of the time you only need to complete the first few pages of an offer to get credit. A trick that works most of the time is if the URL of the offer changed then you are done. For instance say the offer is from but after 3 pages it is now then you have completed the offer and can close the window and start a new one. Some offers will not confirm using this strategy, but most will!
Hit Alt + to automatically select the “no” radio boxes
Some offers will confirm in less than 1 hour, with most confirming overnight.
You can increase how many of your offers get confirmed by clearing your cookies with ccleaner EVERY 5 offers. And by using a new email address every so often. The only time you must use your cashcrate email is during the daily surveys!
If you still have trouble getting offers confirmed you can go further into the offer even if the url changes and leave the final page open for 5 minutes.
Congrats. Now you can be making $100’s in a matter of hours.

Pending offers can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to confirm. Some, for unknown reasons, will never confirm. It seems that the advertisers are getting more strict about confirming offers. I now recommend only doing one offer at a time, clearing your cookies after every few offers, and change emails after every few offers. Also only do about $5 worth of offers at a time, wait for those to confirm, then repeat. Some other tips include leaving the “congrats” page open for a few extra minutes. If any members have ideas about how to make more of your offers confirm please post it in our forum. Also you can always redo offers. This may seem like a pain, but remember it is still free money. I personally have never had this issue. For a lot of the offers where the first page is an email submit, I only do that page - and I always get confirmed.


Does this all sound easy and simple to you? Hey, its free money! Click here to begin!
Thanks for visiting! Tell all your friends!

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